Royal Story: A Farewell to Friends

Royal Story, Royal Story on Facebook, Male and Female in a winter wonderland
Happy Playing to all

Hello Kings and Queens,

it's been a fantastic 3 years but it's time to officially close down this little site. I first began chronicling Royal Story when Castleville Legends first shut down. For several years,  I posted sneak peeks, full guides, and early walk-throughs of events that had yet to debut in the live game.

Author's Edit 09/28/2020 - Never mind this whole post. I've picked up the game again.

After CVL closed, I decided to continue writing guides about Royal Story in a more simpler format. But life has a funny way of closing in around a person when least expected. Before, I was way younger, and had zero responsibilities on my shoulders.

Trust me when I say that it's hard to say that because I used to consider myself a dedicated gamer. Not just in mobile games but online RPGs, and FPS games that kept me up for days on end. So it's difficult having to admit that I can't even keep up with the special events in a casual simulation game.

For those that loyally came to this little site. I wanted to sincerely thank you for visiting through-out all these years. I can't appreciate you all enough.

If you ever wish to visit again I'm at my author's website since it focuses on my Fantasy Adventure novels, photo manips, and Poshmark.

Thank you for your company and remember no matter what: Happy Playing!
-Masaya Silverwynde

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