Royalnopoly is Back in Royal Story

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 Royals, it seems that the game of all games has re-appeared in our kingdoms. Royalnopoly is back and it brings new prizes(as well as some old ones) to be won. Try your luck and see if you can win double or nothing at the Casino or set your sight on catching the Minion.

Royal Story on Facebook.
 If you choose to chase after the Minion the game will grant you extra bonuses if you catch him. There's also a punishment if he manages to snare you in his trap. The option to play without the Minion is your choice. Choose wisely!
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 The prizes in the shop are a few old ones but also some new ones. If you didn't win the Baby roo or Blue fox from previous games this is your chance. There is also a new baby seal and outfits.
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Here is the Dice Lady costume. It's rather nice don't you agree? Everything pictured on the mannequin is what you will get, hair, hat, dress top and bottom. The male costume comes with the same items but with a different appearance.

If you are a new player or need a premier on how to play the game I have a nice Royal Story guide that you can read called, Everything you need to know about Royalnopoly.

Happy Playing!

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